Where to Start?

At first, couponing can really seem overwhelming and time consuming. Can you really get a good deal just by "clipping" coupons? YES!! I typically save no less than $50 everytime I walk into Publix. And trust me, thats a great feeling!

First thing you need to do, start collecting coupons!! Always get the Sunday paper. Whether you get it delivered or you just buy it from the stand. And always buy in pairs. You'll need that extra coupon when a B1G1 deal comes up. Also, look in the Parade magazine that comes with your paper. There are usually coupons included in it. Print coupons from the internet. The most trusted sites are Coupons.com, Redplum.com, and Smartsource.com. Sometimes the manufacturer of the product will have coupons on their website and those are fine as well. I know you may think that printing coupons will cost in the long run but think of how many coupons you can actually print with one ink cartridge! And change the setting to black so you won't use all the color ink. That's the expensive stuff! And it doesn't matter if the coupon is in color or not! I always print at least 2 coupons per piece of paper. If there are alot of coupons that I am printing at once from the site, its no big deal. But if there is just one, I'll set that aside so I can print another one on the other side later. No since in wasting! From the 3 websites I mentioned above, you can print 2 coupons per computer. I have a desktop and a laptop so I'll have access to 4 coupons. Most of the manufacturer websites that have coupons to print will have the same rules as well. You don't have to print every coupon you see. Once you print them they have a 30 day expiration date so you don't really have long to use them. I don't always print every coupon I want right when I see it. If its a high value coupon, like $3/1 or something like that, I will because it may disappear. Other than that, I'll wait until a deal comes along so I don't waste ink or paper.

Organize your coupons. I have found the best way is to buy an accordian file and file your inserts according to month. Clip the ones from each week together and put the date on the front so it is easy to see. That way, when you need a coupon from that month, just go there and clip it! For my printable coupons, I just keep them in my accordian file together. I put the ones on top that are about to expire so I won't forget about them. I go through my printable coupons about once a week to see if there are some I've forgotten about. I always go through before I go shopping just to make sure I have all my coupons that I plan on taking.

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