Thursday, October 21, 2010

The trick to get Target coupons

Just wanted to give you a heads up about Target coupons. When you first go to look and see what is available HERE, a lot of times its not really anything good or many store coupons. What you'll need to do is at least print one coupon whether or not you think you will use it. After you print it, a page pulls up that tells you what you printed and then has a button for you to go back to the coupon page. Thats where the real coupons show up! Usually when I do it, 2 or 3 more pages are added with store coupons. When you see a store coupon you think you will use, PRINT IT. It will disappear. Trust me, I've done it and kicked myself later for it! A lot of times the manufacturer coupons on their site are just repeats from or and thats one way you can tell that they are not store coupons so your not wasting your ink. That isn't always the case but you can always check out TotallyTarget's website to see exactly what coupons are manufacturer or store.

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